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  • Writer's picturePatrick Moriarty

Woman settles case alleging swine flu vaccine link to narcolepsy

The case taken by a woman who claimed she developed narcolepsy as a result of being given the Pandemrix swine flu vaccine, has been settled.

There was no admission of liability in the settlement terms in what was considered a test case for another approximately 100 people who believe they developed the life-long condition as a result of taking the vaccine.

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The multi-million euro legal and other costs of the case are to be met by the Minister for Health and the HSE. The other defendants in the case were the manufacturers of the vaccine, GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, and the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA).

It was previously reported that the discovery process in the run-up to the trial had incurred costs of more than €2 million. The proceedings before the High Court were on their 22nd day, and involved four teams of barristers.

No mention of money being paid to the plaintiff as part of the settlement terms was made in court, although outside afterwards the family said compensation had been paid.

On Tuesday Denis McCullough SC, for Aoife Bennett (26), of Lakelands, Naas, Co Kildare, told Mr Justice Michael McGrath the case had been settled with no admissions of liability on behalf of any of the defendants.

He said that to the extent any allegations of lack of bona fides were made against any of the defendants, the plaintiff confirmed that they have been withdrawn.

Mr Justice McGrath expressed his congratulations to the litigants for managing to settle the case through mediation, and in particular to Ms Bennett and her family. He said he had no doubt but that they were very decent people and he was sure that it had been explained to them that litigation and its outcome was an uncertain process.

Financial Blueprint of a Medical Negligence Case

Medical Negligence and personal injury cases are often a topic of conversation in Ireland. A case is built on the strength of expert reports and testimony. The ancillary costs are driven up by lack of access to salient medical records and details. This further underlines the need for mandatory disclosure and the need for patients to have live access to their own updated medical records.

At Peter McDonnell & Associates we know from experience that the single greatest cause of worry for clients is the issue of legal fees and costs. People worry that before a case commences or at the end of their case, they will be presented with a large legal bill that will be impossible to pay.

You can speak to our expert medical negligence team by contacting us on 087 2285247 or

*In contentious business, a solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or a proportion of any award or settlement.

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